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Recent Reviews Thibault Magnien

Ancient Greek Theatres (T)

Thibault Magnien Belgium, France - 11-Jul-18

Ancient Greek Theatres (T)

The “Ancient Greek Theatres” proposed site encompasses 15 theatres across Greece including three that are already World heritage sites (Epidaure, Delphi, Delos) and one, the Dionysos theatre, located on the slopes of the Acropolis, in the buffer zone.

The Greek theatres definitively possess an objective OUV for the world’s culture and history. It embodies the level of advancement reached by ancient Greece. Moreover, this serial site puts the light on several major ancient Greece sites but also on more remote ancient greek cities and ruins that help acquiring a broader view and understanding on Greek antiquity.

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Stolac (T)

Thibault Magnien Belgium, France - 11-Jul-18

Stolac (T)

Stolac is already placed on the World Heritage map thanks to the Stecci. Indeed, the city possesses several Stecci and especially the Radimjla necropolis which is one of the greatest and most representative examples of these medieval tombstones. The town in itself is not very tourist-friendly as there are no infrastructures and sights are badly indicated. The city seems to be stuck in the post-Yougoslavian war state.

We managed to see several churches, mosques and historic houses along with one old bridge. The town fortress dominates the wall city and seems quite massive

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Archaeological site of Ancient Messene (T)

Thibault Magnien Belgium, France - 11-Jul-18

Archaeological site of Ancient Messene (T)

I have discovered Messene (not to be confused with the modern town Messini 20km from there) on my way from Mystras to Bassae, in Peloponnese. Messene was founded in 369 BC and became the capital city of the Messenian state for centuries before falling under Roman rule. The archeological site displays an impressive number or structures including fortifications, a 9,5 km wall with monumental gates and defensive towers, a theatre, several temples and an impressive stadium with facilities. The most impressive part of the fortifications (including so called Arcadia Gate) can be seen on top of the hill few kilometers from the archeological centre

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Zadar - Episcopal complex (T)

Thibault Magnien Belgium, France - 11-Jul-18

Zadar - Episcopal complex         (T)

The Episcopal complex of Zadar includes the Roman forum, the cathedral of St. Anastasia, the archbishop’s palace, the church of St. Donatus, the Zmajevic seminary, the orthodox church of St. Elias, the Benedictine nunnery with the church of St. Mary and several other buildings / museums. The central point of this site is the main square with the ruins of the roman forum and the church of St. Donatus, with rotunda shape, with the cathedral tower on its side. The site is a fine and esthetic ensemble. St. Donatus and the cathedral are historical masterpieces. However, Croatia will have to make efforts in justifying the OUV and uniqueness of this place compared to other religious ensembles in the country

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Funerary and memory sites of the First World War

Thibault Magnien Belgium, France - 22-Feb-17

Funerary and memory sites of the First World War

The sites related to WW1 are of great universal significance. The conflict had a huge impact not only for the people who were involved in it but also for all mankind. It took human people from the era of artisanal and local war to industrial and global war. The site also embodies the need, following the conflict, to honour and remember, on a large scale, those who fought and suffered. For the first time, anonymous fighters were honoured as much as famous heroes.

I have visited sites in Verdun, Somme, Chemin des Dames, Westhoek and other parts of Belgium. To me, the most striking testimony of the conflict is around Verdun. The whole landscape around the city has been modified by the conflict, from fully destroyed villages to forts, from forests in which traces of bombs are still visible to cemeteries

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Thibault Magnien
Belgium, France
Most Impressive
Angkor, Machu Picchu, Uxmal, Nara, Meteora, Mont-Saint-Michel, Gizeh, Florence, Pompei, Forbidden City, Leshan,

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Update 29.08.23
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Ping Yao 4.5
Reichenau 4.5
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Vienna 4.5
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Hollókö 3.5
Kerkuane 3.5
Troy 3.5
Urbino 3.5
Vézelay 3.5
Pienza 3
West Lake 2.5
Ivrea 0.5
  1. Amalienborg and its district (T)
  2. Ancient Greek Theatres (T)
  3. Archaeological site of Ancient Messene (T)
  4. Cathédrale de Saint-Denis (T)
  5. Centre ancien de Sarlat (T)
  6. Cittadella (Victoria - Gozo) (T)
  7. Coastal Cliffs (T)
  8. Diocletian's Palace and the Historical Nucleus of Split (extension) (T)
  9. Francke Foundation Buildings (T)
  10. Franja Partisan Hospital (T)
  11. Historic Center of the City of Trujillo (T)
  12. Historical Lisbon, Global City (T)
  13. Historical-town planning ensemble of Ston (T)
  14. Knights Fortifications around the Harbours of Malta (T)
  15. La Camargue (T)
  16. Lake Titicaca (T)
  17. Late Medieval Bastioned Fortifications in Greece (T)
  18. Le noyau historique ou la 'Cuve' de Gand, et les deux abbayes qui sont à son origine (T)
  19. Les Plages du Débarquement, Normandie, 1944 (T)
  20. Les témoignages matériels de la construction de l’État des Pyrénées : la Co-principauté d’Andorre (A) (T)
  21. Les villes antiques de la Narbonnaise et leur territoire: Nimes, Arles, Glanum, aqueducs, via Domitia (T)
  22. Leuven/Louvain, batiments universitaires, l'héritage de six siècles au sein du centre historique (T)
  23. Maltese Catacomb Complexes (T)
  24. Mdina (Citta Vecchia) (T)
  25. Metz Royale et Impériale, enjeux de pouvoir, confrontations stylistiques et identité urbaine (T)
  26. Noyau historique d'Antwerpen -Anvers- de l'Escaut aux anciens remparts de vers 1250 (T)
  27. Pharaonic temples in Upper Egypt from the Ptolemaic and Roman periods (T)
  28. Pombaline Lisbon (T)
  29. Qawra/Dwejra (T)
  30. Rade de Marseille (T)
  31. Ring of cenotes of Chicxulub Crater, Yucatan (T)
  32. Sacred Titicaca Lake (T)
  33. Sarajevo - unique symbol of universal multiculture - continual open city (T)
  34. Sites mégalithiques de Carnac (T)
  35. The Jewish Cemetery of Altona Königstrasse. Sephardic Sepulchral Culture of the 17th and 18th century between Europe and the Caribbean (T)
  36. The natural and architectural ensemble of Blagaj (T)
  37. The natural and architectural ensemble of Stolac (T)
  38. Victoria Lines Fortifications (T)
  39. Zadar - Episcopal complex (T)

Top 50 Missing Sites

  1. Alexandria, ancient remains and the new library
  2. Amritsar
  3. Bagan
  4. City of Herat
  5. Cultural Landscape of Santorini
  6. Dzongs of Bhutan
  7. Ephesus
  8. Huaca de la Luna and Huaca del Sol
  9. La Grotte ornée Chauvet - Pont d'Arc
  10. Minoan palaces of Crete
  11. Okavango Delta
  12. Pharaonic Temples of Kom Ombo and Edfu
  13. Rainforests of Polynesia
  14. Silk Roads
  15. Sites Mégalithiques de Carnac
  16. Synagogue of Subotica
  17. The Archaeological Site of Göbeklitepe
  18. The Sacred Complex of Babylon
  19. Varanasi
  20. Wooden Monasteries of Konbaung Period: Ohn Don, Sala, Pakhangyi, Pakhannge, Legaing, Sagu, Shwe Kyau